The aim of this accessibility statement is to help users to get the most out of our site by explaining the accessibility features that have been included.

Text size

The site has been designed work with larger text sizes, and the size of the text can easily be changed to suit your needs.

This can be done using your internet browser's toolbar.

Alternatively, the size of the text can be changed using the following key strokes:

To increase the page size, press Ctrl and +

To decrease the page size, press Ctrl and -

To reset the page size, press Ctrl and 0

Page structure

We try to give each page on our site a clear, descriptive heading.

The global navigation appears in the same place at the top of every page. The contextual navigation always appears on the left hand side of the page.

Breadcrumbs are positioned above some page headings to indicate where you are in the site, and how to navigate back.

At any point, you can return to the homepage by clicking on the Project Theatre logo.


Links between pages are clearly denoted by colour and boldness of text. We try to ensure that a link accurately describes the page it leads to.

PDF files

Some information on our site is held in Portable Document Format (pdf). You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to access these files. Adobe Acrobat Reader can be downloaded free of charge from the Adobe website.

Accessible performances

We provide a number of services via the venues we use such as T-Loop for those hard of hearing and relaxed performances.

Access Scottish Theatre is the easiest and most comprehensive listings guide for all of Scotland's accessible theatre performances.

This means all performances that have Audio Description, BSL interpretation and Captioning, and can also include relaxed performances for audiences with dementia or autism.

Access Scottish Theatre produces a printed guide which is published twice a year in January and September. In addition you can subscribe to the monthly AST e-bulletin which outlines all the upcoming accessible performances for the next two months. The e-bulletin is sent on the first of every month.