Learn and develop new skills. Perform in productions. Experience new worlds of performance.
Passionate about performing? Join our theatre school family today!
Previous experience not necessary, wide range of ages and abilities catered for
Variety of disciplines; acting, dance, singing, musical theatre, film & more - something for everyone!
Fees kept affordable and simply structured via our booking system Class Manager. Costs vary per project and may also include membership, weekly & production fees, costumes etc.
Please note: We only accept bookings from parents/guardians unless student is 18yrs+. Youth Theatre Students should be able to read adequately to follow script etc. Ability to read music /vocal scores not required.
To book any of our classes and activities detailed below visit our booking site Class Manager. Further information sent following booking. For more info before booking please email.
Here’s what we do
Stage School
Classes that are perfect for children to build confidence, make friends, and also progress onto other PT activities. Split into dance, drama and singing, as well as crafts and focusing on aspects and skills that make a well rounded performer.
Ages: 3-5 (Tots) 6-8 (Kids) 9-11 (Juniors)
When: Saturday 11-11.45 (Tots) 12-1pm (Kids) & 1-2pm (Juniors)
Where: Project Theatre Studio Grangemouth
Cost: £18 per month
Screen School
Our specialised screen & digital classes focusing on creating and performing on TV & film.
Ages: 8-18yrs
When: Mondays 6-8pm
Where: Project Theatre Studio Grangemouth
Cost: £18 per month
Youth Theatre
Our largest and flagship programme is split into Junior and Senior Youth Theatre specialising in producing musical theatre, plays and pantomimes stage public productions twice a year for young aspiring performers.
Ages: 8-11yrs (Juniors) & 12-18yrs (Seniors)
When: Sunday (Juniors) 11.30-2pm & Wednesday 6.30-9pm (Seniors)
Where: Project Theatre Studio Grangemouth
Cost: £33 per month
School Holidays
Seasonal often week-long activities held in Summer, Easter and October holidays breaks.
Ages: Various ages
When: Easter, Summer & October holdays
Where: Project Theatre Studio Grangemouth
Cost: Varies from £80
1-1 Tuition
We offer bespoke 1 to 1 vocal, music and acting lessons. These coaching sessions are perfect for everything from audition preparation, self tapes, beginner lessons, or opportunity to build individual repertoire or extra guidance and support for exams.
Ages: 7-18yrs
When: Negotiated
Where: Project Theatre Studio Grangemouth
Cost: Varies
Community & Schools
Skills training, education and participation programmes and outreach activities in educational and community settings.
Ages: All
When: Various dates & times
Where: Various educational and community locations
Cost: Varies