Support us

We are a registered charity funded mostly by ticket sales, fundraising efforts and donations.

We take our commitment to provide an accessible and high quality range of performing arts work and activities very seriously and we want all young people to get the best experience possible.  

Membership and participation fees are low and only pay for a small portion of administration and running costs and does not totally fund projects or productions.

We occasionally receive grants and funding from local council and trusts but these sources of income are not regular or reliable by any manner of means.

We would be delighted if you would consider giving a gift to help secure our future for the next ten years. You can support us in other ways below.

Here are some ways you can support us and how it helps:

We inspire young people's creativity

£5 could buy a prop or costume item for one of our productions

We are open to everyone

£10 could subsidise places on workshops and productions, introducing music theatre to a new audience

£100 could contribute to our ongoing and increasing rehearsal and venue hire costs, enabling us to keep participation costs at a minimum.

We support emerging artists & practitioners

£1,000 could pay for a placement for a trainee to support our work and learn new skills and gain vital experience for their future.

We want to commission new work

£5,000 could enable us to create a new musical with inspiring artists or host a residential summer camp.


We know money isn’t everything but if you can donate to us, your generosity will make a massive difference.

Standing Order & Donating by BACS Transfer

This is an easy way to make a regular donation or one-off online donation which will support Project Theatre’s work all across Falkirk.

The details you need are:

Account: Project Theatre Bank: Bank of Scotland Account Number: 06001944 Sort Code: 80-15-95

Please use your name as a reference.

You can set up a standing order for any amount, and you choose the frequency of the payments.You can amend the amount or stop the standing order by contacting your bank or through online banking.

Donate via PayPal

Coming soon.

To our supporters - Thank you!

Project Theatre always gratefully acknowledges the financial and other support we receive from these organisations without whom our work would not be possible. However you can support us we make a promise to each supporter:

Please help us fundraise for free while you shop online using EasyFundraising:

Please remember one of the most important ways you can support us is by coming along to our shows and events and spreading the word about our fantastic organisation by word of mouth and online.

A big thank you from everyone at PT!